Starting this summer, Leep1 and The Advonet Group will run consultation groups for a new project. It is called Leep1 Inclusion For Employment – LIFE.

This is a project to help people with learning disabilities keep a job and help their voice be heard at work. To help start the project, we will be running consultation groups every week.

What are the groups about?

The groups will help LIFE to make self-advocacy training for people with learning disabilities. They will also help us to make resources for employers to help them be better at working with people with learning disabilities.

We need people with learning disabilities to join this peer consultation group. Group members will bring ideas of how to do the training, check the resources and how to promote LIFE.

By joining the group, you will:

  • Gain coproduction experience
  • Meet people
  • Learn more about how to keep a job
  • Learn more about speaking up for yourself in work

When are the groups?

The groups are on every Tuesday from 1pm to 3pm. They are at Cafe Leep, which is at this address:

Cafe Leep
Unity Business Centre
26 Roundhay Road

How can I join the groups?

If you would like to join, please get in touch. You can either:

  • Call The Advonet Group’s office on 0113 244 0606 and ask for either Laura or Imogen, or;
  • Email [email protected].

To see an Easy Read document with more information about the groups, please click on the button below to download it.