Leep The Bridge Club Night – January 2020
Come and join us at PRYZM Leeds on Thursday 23rd January 2020. We have the brilliant learning disability rock & pop band Sky Fallers performing for us! This is a night not to be missed!
Christmas Fair at Cross Flatts Park!
Come along to our Christmas Fair on Thursday 12th December from 10am - 2pm at The Bridge Café in Beeston. If your still looking for the perfect present come and see us all our gifts [...]
Leep The Bridge Club Night Dates 2020
Please note that the Leep The Bridge club night in May has been changed from Thursday 21st May to Thursday 14th May 2020.
Leep the Bridge Club Night – November 2019
Come along and join us for a festive themed club night at PRYZM Leeds on Thursday 21st November 2019 for a night of fun with your friends and lots dancing!
Most vulnerable in Leeds are hit by cruel ‘mate crime’ exploitation
It's nearly 'hate crime awareness week' which starts next week 14/10/19. Please read our news article of how we are trying to make Leeds a safer place to live for adults with learning disabilities. We [...]
Being Safe Event at Leeds Market
We are holding a stall at Leeds Kirkgate Market on Tuesday 15th October 2019 which is Hate Crime Awareness Week! Why not come and see us to learn about being safe in Leeds. We will [...]