
All the news from Leep1 & Cafe Leep


Keeping Safe through Digital

22 June 2020|Categories: LOCKDOWN STORIES, News|

#SafeguardingWeek2020 #BlackLivesMatter #SayNoToHate #LeedsNoPlaceForHate #Safeguarding Before we went online one of our members main focus was to reduce hate and mate crime through a performance based workshop to year 6 primary schools pupils with Bright [...]

#volunteersweek Cafe Leep Volunteers

7 June 2020|Categories: News|

Everyday this week we have been posting stories and interviews from some of our volunteers. We've loved hearing and seeing you all! Thankyou to each and every one of you for donating your time and [...]

#volunteersweek Out and about with Sarah

6 June 2020|Categories: News|

Meet Sarah Volunteersweek is a time to say Thankyou and recognise the work that volunteers do. Many fit in their voluntary roles with going to college, university or full time work. Organisations like Leep1 and [...]

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