‘Our Voice’ a film by Leep1 members
Leep1 facebook group is a place where everyone supports each other. Many of the members of the group run activities for others to enjoy. Some members take on admin roles at the weekends while staff [...]
We’ve got the T-shirt!
Over the weeks fashion and clothes has been a topic of conversation on the Facebook group page. We've had T-shirt braiding classes, Corvid mask making using old t shirts but the highlight has to be [...]
How Leep1 is reducing isolation using online platforms
Today's Morning Motivation from Leep1 Fitness Instructor Anthony Beardsley From Advonet News 7/5/2020https://advonet.org.uk/leep1-how-their-online-support-helped-to-reduce-isolation/ Since the COVID-19 crisis started in March, Leep1 – Leeds People First have been providing online support to our members with learning [...]
Leep1 Virtual Birthday Party
We're busy getting ready for our virtual birthday party on Wednesday 20th May. You can look at our fun packed schedule below.It's going to be a great day!...
Leep1 Facebook Group reaches 250 milestone
Together We're Stronger On March 16th 2020 we were told the sad news that Leep1 and Cafe Leep were closing until further notice due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, out of these dark times a [...]
Leep1 Virtual Birthday Party
We're 10 years old! On May 20th 2020 Leep1 will be celebrating it's 10th birthday. This year is also the 5th anniversary of Cafe Leep. To help celebrate in style we will be hosting a [...]