Leep1 Autumn Newsletter 2020
Our latest newsletter is out now. A massive thankyou to all the members who helped compile quizzes and wrote articles. This issue is full of stories and news of what we have been up to [...]
Meet our new team member! Leep1 Friendship Group Support Worker
At Leep1 we are dedicated to improving employment opportunities for adults with learning disabilities and believe that there should be #opportunitiesforall Our service offers a wide range of support to help our members find meaningful [...]
The Second Lockdown – Easy to Follow Facts and a Guide to Restrictions
After the news at the weekend about a second national lockdown we are currently reviewing our service offer so that we can continue to care for and support our members in the best way possible. [...]
ALaDDIN – The Autism & Learning Disability Digital Inclusion Network
Learning disability and autism services from across Leeds have joined together to promote digital inclusion, and have released a new video showcasing the opportunities for people to interact online in all sorts of creative ways. [...]
#GetOnlineWeek 2020 at Leep1 – why it’s more important than ever
Get Online Week: OCT 19 - OCT 25 Digital Inclusion during Covid-19 This year has shown us just how much of a difference the internet can make to our lives. But too many people are [...]
#WMHD World Mental Health Day – Staying well by doing things you love
We have been very focussed on the mental wellbeing of all our members during the Covid pandemic, working hard to improve both their digital skills and access to all our online sessions so that members [...]