Outdoor Adventures with our Members
~ ROUNDHAY PARK ~ One Sunny Week in April On the 12th April 2021 Leep1 reopened its doors to our members! We now support 19 members in our centre and office each week who have [...]
Leep1 Spring Newsletter Out Now!
Spring is here at last! We've compiled our latest quarterly newsletter to fill you in on the last three months at Leep1. Despite being in lockdown and our centre in LS7 closed Leep1 and our [...]
AND Clothes – a clothing brand run by adults with learning disabilities
AND CLOTHES In December 2020 we were thrilled to receive some funding from the People's Health Trust to start up our AND Clothing Project. AND Clothes is an exciting new enterprise run by adults with [...]
The Mental Health impact of the Covid- 19 pandemic #timetotalkday2021
#timetotalkday is an annual campaign that aims to end the stigma attached to mental health and encourage everyone to start having conversations about how they really feel. https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/ says: We know that the more conversations [...]
Learning Disability Community Disco
It's been nearly a year since we hosted one of our club nights at Pryzm Nightclub in Leeds. These evenings were one of the highlights of everyone's month with around 200 people attending from the [...]
Online activities for adults with learning disabilities during lockdown
On January 5th we were advised by the UK Government that the country was to go into another full lockdown which meant we had to close for 7 weeks. Many countries across the world were [...]